March 22, 2023

URL Shortener WordPress Plugins is the process of creating a shorter and more manageable version of a long and complex URL (Uniform Resource Locator). A URL is the web address that we type into our browser’s address bar to access a website or web page. URL shortening services take a long URL and generate a shorter and more condensed URL that redirects to the original long URL when clicked.

URL Shortener WordPress Plugins is useful for several reasons. Firstly, it allows you to share long URLs more quickly, especially on platforms with character limits such as Twitter. Short URLs take up less space and are easier to remember and share with others. Secondly, it can help to make your links look more professional and branded. Shortened URLs can be customized to include your brand name or relevant keywords, which can help to increase click-through rates and brand recognition.

Finally, URL shortening services often provide analytics and tracking data, which can be used to monitor clicks and measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. Overall, WordPress plugins can be a helpful tool for URL shortening, allowing you to create custom short links and manage them more easily. They can also offer additional features such as tracking and analytics, which can be useful for monitoring website traffic and measuring the success of your marketing campaigns.

Pretty Links

Pretty link

Pretty Links is a WordPress plugin that offers several benefits to website owners. Firstly, it allows you to create shortened, branded links for your website, which are much easier to remember and share than long, complicated URLs. Additionally, Pretty Links offers powerful tracking and analytics features, allowing you to see how many clicks each link receives, where those clicks are coming from, and what types of devices they’re using.

This information can be incredibly valuable for optimizing your website’s content and improving your overall marketing strategy. Finally, Pretty Links offers a variety of customization options, including the ability to set up redirects, create custom slugs, and add no-follow attributes to your links, giving you more control over how your website is perceived by search engines and users alike.

Noticeable Features


 the premium version cost started at $99.50-199.50 yearly.



ThirstyAffiliates is a popular WordPress plugin that provides several benefits for website owners who use affiliate marketing to monetize their websites. The primary benefit of ThirstyAffiliates is that it allows website owners to manage and organize their affiliate links in a user-friendly way. This plugin enables website owners to add, cloak, and categorize their affiliate links, making it easy to manage their marketing campaigns.

Another significant benefit of ThirstyAffiliates is that it helps website owners to create professional-looking links that are easy to remember and share. The plugin also includes advanced features such as link redirection, link click statistics, and adding images to links.

In addition, ThirstyAffiliates provides several SEO benefits to website owners. The plugin allows users to set up link redirections, which can help improve their website’s search engine ranking. ThirstyAffiliates also includes the option to add nofollow tags to affiliate links, which can help prevent search engines from penalizing the website for spammy links.

Overall, ThirstyAffiliates is an essential tool for website owners who use affiliate marketing to generate revenue. It helps users to organize, manage, and track their affiliate links, as well as provides advanced features to create professional-looking links and improve their website’s SEO.

Noticeable Features


You can download the plugin for free. The premium version costs $79.5 for single WordPress site owners and can go up to $199.5 for ten sites.



If you are looking for a way to streamline your website’s URL management, then a TinyPress WordPress plugin may be just what you need. With a URL shortener plugin, you can create shorter, more manageable links that are easier to share on social media and other platforms. This can be especially useful for businesses that want to promote their content and increase their online visibility.

One of the key benefits of using a URL shortener plugin is that it allows you to track the performance of your links. You can see how many clicks your links are getting, which can help you optimize your marketing and advertising efforts. Additionally, some URL shortener plugins offer advanced features such as link customization and link retargeting, which can further enhance your marketing efforts.

Overall, TinyPress WordPress plugin can be a powerful tool for managing your website’s URLs and promoting your content. With the ability to create custom links, track link performance, and optimize your marketing efforts, a URL shortener plugin can help you take your online presence to the next level.

Noticeable Features


This is a totally free plugin.

URL Shortify

URL Shortify

URL Shortify is a WordPress plugin that provides a simple and convenient way to shorten long and complex URLs. The plugin works by generating a short and easy-to-remember alias for a long URL, making it easier to share on social media, email, or other platforms.

One of the primary benefits of the URL Shortify plugin is that it saves space, which can be especially valuable when sharing links on social media platforms with character limitations, such as Twitter. By shortening URLs, the plugin ensures that more of the message can be conveyed without running out of space for the link.

Another benefit of the URL Shortify plugin is that it can track clicks on shortened links, providing website owners and marketers with valuable data. This can help inform marketing strategies and optimize website performance.

Finally, the URL Shortify plugin can help improve website security by masking the original URL, making it more difficult for hackers or malicious users to gain access to sensitive information. Overall, the URL Shortify WordPress plugin can be a useful tool for any website owner looking to improve the user experience, increase engagement, and optimize their online presence.

Noticeable Features


This is a totally free plugin.



The Bitly WordPress plugin offers several benefits for website owners and bloggers who use WordPress to publish their content. One of the primary benefits is the ability to shorten URLs, making them more user-friendly and easier to share on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook.

With the Bitly plugin, users can quickly and easily create custom short links that are branded to their domain. This not only helps to build brand recognition and trust with users, but it also allows website owners to track click-through rates and analyze user engagement.

The plugin also offers features like link tracking, which allows users to see how many clicks their links are receiving, where the clicks are coming from, and which pages on their site are getting the most traffic. This information can be invaluable for optimizing website content and driving more traffic to key pages.

Overall, the Bitly WordPress plugin offers website owners a powerful tool for managing and tracking their links. It can help to streamline the process of creating and sharing content, and it provides valuable insights into how users are engaging with that content.

Noticeable Features


You can download the plugin for free. The premium version started at $8-199 monthly.

If I missed any essential URL shortener plugins, please let me know in the comment box below, and I will add them. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

Pluginbazar offers a range of premium and free WordPress plugins, captivating themes, and comprehensive website development services, tailored to enhance your digital presence and user experiences.

Yes, Pluginbazar's plugins are regularly updated to ensure compatibility with the latest WordPress versions, providing seamless functionality and security for your website.

Absolutely! Pluginbazar offers customization services to tailor themes and plugins to your specific needs, creating a unique and personalized digital solution for your website.