Post Grid

Optimize your website’s functionality by showcasing vital information directly in your post grid items.

Design 1

Earn High-Quality Backlinks

Earn High-Quality Backlinks

Backlinks from reputable and authoritative websites are a…

Mobile Optimization Is Non-Negotiable

Mobile Optimization Is Non-Negotiable

Make sure your website is responsive and mobile-friendly…

Quality Content Reigns high-quality

Quality Content Reigns high-quality

Aim to create high-quality, relevant content that addresses…

Design 2

Earn High-Quality Backlinks

Earn High-Quality Backlinks

Backlinks from reputable and authoritative websites are a…

Mobile Optimization Is Non-Negotiable

Mobile Optimization Is Non-Negotiable

Make sure your website is responsive and mobile-friendly…

Quality Content Reigns high-quality

Quality Content Reigns high-quality

Aim to create high-quality, relevant content that addresses…

Design 3

Write code that reads like well-written prose

Write code that reads like well-written prose

Use meaningful indentation, avoid overly clever tricks, and favor readability over brevity. Your code should be easy for others to understand at a glance.

Keep Functions and Methods Small

Keep Functions and Methods Small

Follow the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) and keep your functions and methods small. Each function should ideally do one thing and do it well.…

Follow a Consistent Coding Style

Follow a Consistent Coding Style

Consistency in coding style makes it easier for everyone to understand the codebase. Whether you prefer tabs or spaces, curly braces on the same…

Design 4

Quality Content Reigns high-quality

Quality Content Reigns high-quality

Aim to create high-quality, relevant content that addresses your audience's needs and provides solutions to their problems. Content is still king in the realm…

Avoid Magic Numbers and Strings

Avoid Magic Numbers and Strings

Magic numbers and strings are hard-coded constants scattered throughout your code. Instead of using magic numbers or strings directly, define them as named constants…

Write code that reads like well-written prose

Write code that reads like well-written prose

Use meaningful indentation, avoid overly clever tricks, and favor readability over brevity. Your code should be easy for others to understand at a glance.

Design 5

Mobile Optimization Is Non-Negotiable

Mobile Optimization Is Non-Negotiable

Make sure your website is responsive and mobile-friendly…

Quality Content Reigns high-quality

Quality Content Reigns high-quality

Aim to create high-quality, relevant content that addresses…

Avoid Magic Numbers and Strings

Avoid Magic Numbers and Strings

Magic numbers and strings are hard-coded constants scattered…

Design 6

Mobile Optimization Is Non-Negotiable

Mobile Optimization Is Non-Negotiable

Make sure your website is responsive and mobile-friendly to provide…

Quality Content Reigns high-quality

Quality Content Reigns high-quality

Aim to create high-quality, relevant content that addresses your audience's…

Avoid Magic Numbers and Strings

Avoid Magic Numbers and Strings

Magic numbers and strings are hard-coded constants scattered throughout your…